Good News for Guided by Kids!

Called the Internal Revenue Service and got confirmation that we have been granted 501 c3 status! This means any donation given in 2017 and ongoing will be tax deductible and it also means that we can apply for grants needed to fund GBK!
Students are making great progress on their persuasive speeches which they will begin competing with at local Omaha area middle school speech tournaments beginning in April.
We have also chosen our community service project, which will be to help shop for and set up initial living arrangements for a refugee family locating in Omaha, helping Lutheran Family Services with their great work for these families.
Next class meeting is this Thursday, February 22nd, at the Kroc Center. Ms. Shudak will lead the class since Mr. Robertson will be traveling to Chicago to see all three of his grandchildren! Students should bring all their work on their persuasive speeches with them to class.