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Exciting News Coming Very Soon!

In a few days, I should have plans finalized for a new venue for Guided by Kids and classes restarting, with a one week summer camp in July of 2022 focusing on Congressional Debate, and regular Thursday evening classes beginning in December of 2022 and continuing through May 2023.

As always, Guided by Kids will be free to any Omaha Metro area student who will be in grades 5-8 in the 2022/23 school year. Fred Robertson and Payton Shudak will continue as co-instructors, and students of GBK will also get help from volunteer high school speech and debate competitors. Additionally, kids in Guided by Kids will select a community improvement/engagement project that they will complete next year.

More details will follow soon, and the website will be updated appropriately when everything is finalized, but those of here at Guided by Kids--the Board of Directors, the Instructors, and all former GBK'ers--are excited to get some speech/debate/community leadership education going once again!


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