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We Need More Kids for our Congressional Debate Mini-Camp!

So far we have half a dozen 5th-8th graders taking advantage of a FREE educational camp being taught by a National Speech Debate Association Hall of Fame coach with over 35 years of experience (myself-Fred Robertson) and a former State Champion Lincoln-Douglas debater (my co-teacher Payton Shudak).

This camp will be held July 25-29 at Omaha Marian High School, from 8-10 a.m. Monday-Thursday, July 25-28, and from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, July 29, concluding with recognition for each student and a luncheon celebrating their learning about research, bill and resolution writing; listening, speaking, and debating; practicing proper parliamentary procedure; critical thinking, and becoming an informed citizen--all while having fun!

Signing up for this mini-camp by registering at also registers each next year 5th-8th grader for regular Guided by Kids classes beginning in December of 2022 and continuing through May of 2023, once weekly, also hosted at Omaha Marian.

Why aren't we at the limit of 20 students signed up already? This is an amazing educational opportunity being provided for cool kids who want to learn. Share and promote this chance for changing a young person's life for the better.


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