Planning Middle School Congress Competition!
Two years ago Guided by Kids hosted a year-ending debate tournament at the Kroc Center. Each of the participants designated a non-profit which I made a donation to in recognition for their competition. Student participants at that tournament are pictured above.
This year we are doing something similar, although we will be competing virtually, via Zoom conferencing, either on Friday, May 7, after school or Saturday, May 8 (decided by what works out best for prospective competitors). We are also going to compete in congressional debate (also called Student Congress) this year, so we have learned something new--how to write and research and debate, using parliamentary procedure, bills and resolutions.
We are very grateful for the volunteer support we have received from Omaha Marian High School congress competitors who have taught Guided by Kids students the basics, and tonight in our regular Thursday night class we are going to have high school volunteers again share their knowledge and expertise with our GBK participants, along with middle school debaters from Millard North and Papillion, in another learning session.
Guided by Kids students will be sharing one bill and one resolution, with the bill proposing a law banning the use of non-organic pesticides on lawns, playgrounds, school grounds, etc. and the resolution promoting a change to paid instead of unpaid family and medical leave in the United States.
We are excited to be doing this tonight as part of Do Good Week, volunteer day, for SHARE Omaha, and I plan to continue what I started two years ago by volunteering to local non-profits chosen by each student participant when we have our congress competition on May 7 or May 8
Fred Robertson, Guided by Kids #DoGoodWeek